Thursday, January 30, 2014

Choose the right equipment for Inversion Therapy

Ironman Gravity Inversion Table
Gravity Inversion Table
A gravity inversion table is a health equipment that is designed for those who seek higher levels of physical wellness. Gravity inversion has also been shown to be effective in relieving body pains, especially back pain. Inversion tables allow a person to hang upside down, or at an angle, against the direction of gravity. It is believed that gravity compresses the discs in the spine, thereby leading to reduced lubrication between discs (just like squeezing out a sponge). This leads to increased friction between the spinal discs, leading to back pain. Decreased lubrication also causes the chances of nerves getting pinched, spinal misalignment, and reduced flexibility. Inversion therapy helps in reversing this effect of gravity. By hanging upside down, the pressure on the spine is released, and the distance between the vertebrae is increased. This relaxes your spinal area, and relieves back pain. Even if you do not experience back pain, inversion therapy can help you stay fitter and more flexible. Inversion therapy is also known to improve blood circulation.

There are many types of inversion tables available that you can use for your inversion therapy sessions. Below is a list of the various types that you can choose from.

1.         Manual gravity inversion table
These are the conventional inversion tables that have a comfortable backrest as well as ankle holders to hold you securely while inverting. You need to first adjust the table according to your height, adjust the angle of inversion, secure your feet onto the table using straps, and move to the inverted position by pushing the backrest. These tables require you to always keep your arms above your head, to maintain the incline.

2.         Motorized inversion table
Motorized inversion tables have push-button controls for rotating the table. These tables are quite sophisticated, with some interesting engineering innovations. The tables have interlocking gears to hold the table at any angle of your choice. The inversion with the motor is slow and smooth. What’s more, when using motorized inversion tables, you do not need to keep your arms above your head at all times. Just lay down on the table, secure your legs, and push the button. The table does the rest. These tables are more expensive and range from $1.600 - $2.200.

The most recent advancement to inversion tables has been the integration of infrared therapy with inversion therapy. In such tables, the backrest has built-in carbon fiber Far InfraRed (FIR) heating elements to help soothe your back as you are inverting. This advancement combines the benefits of inversion therapy with infrared therapy that is known for its de-stressing, healing and relaxing properties.

4.         Doorway inversion
Doorway inversion systems include an inversion rack and gravity boots. The inversion rack mounts onto your door frame and the gravity boots allow you to hang free from the door frame for maximum range of motion. These systems are meant for fit and flexible users, and the inversion can be a bit difficult to perform.

Inversion therapy is proven to be healthy and is available for everyone. Depending on your level of comfort and your budget, there are many options to choose from. Start your healthy regime today!

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