Inversion therapy today is much more than an alternative therapy. It has been subject to a great deal of clinical studies, and has proven its effectiveness in relieving many forms of back and neck pains. Inversion therapy itself has many advantages. But, if you want even more out of this, you may go for some specific exercises while in an inverted position.

Here is a exercise guide:1. Inverted squats: this is similar to a standing squat, except that you do it while inverted, and instead of resisting your body weight (like you do in the regular squat), you pull your body weight up. To do an inverted squat, bend your knees and lift your body up.
2. Inverted crunch: again similar to the regular crunch; place your hands over your chest and try lifting your upper body using your abs.
3. Inverted stretching: while inverted, extend your arms and stretch as if trying to reach your feet.
4. Inverted sit-up: Place your hands behind your head, or on your chest, and try pulling yourself to a sit-up position. This can be much more difficult than a regular sit-up, and some claim that this has the benefits of 10 regular sit-ups.
Pulling down: hold onto the table legs, and try pulling down further. This is a nice way to further increase the effects of inversion beyond what your body weight can provide.
5. Inverted rotation: While fully inverted, reach for the table leg on one side with the other hand, and pull yourself into rotation. Return back to inverted position and repeat the same action in the opposite direction.
A WORD OF CAUTION: Perform these exercises only after you are fully comfortable inverting. NEVER overdo your inversion and exercises. The rule of “no pain without gain” does not apply here. STOP inverting at the slightest discomfort. The stretching of muscles and ligaments is much stronger while inverting than you might think. While inverting can be very effective, it can be equally dangerous if done in the wrong way, or overdone.
Apart from the exercises outlined above, some simple stretching exercises can be done while fully or partially inverted. Simple exercises such as gentle stretching by crossing one arm over the body and gripping the table frame on the other side, arching the torso from side to side, gently rotating the head to either side and lifting the head can be perform. But always follow the golden rule: NEVER OVERDO IT!